Laser surgery is a kind of surgery that makes use of special light beams instead of devices for surgical procedures. In the practice, the laser beam is used to make bloodless cuts in tissue or eliminate a surface lesion like a skin tumor. There are several types of lasers that vary in emitted light wavelengths and power ranges to clot, cut or vaporize the tissue. The interaction of laser light with tissue gets a different approach to surgery. In laser surgery, a highly focused laser beam efficiently ablates the tissue and seals lymphatics, capillaries, small blood vessels, and nerve endings. As it cuts, the laser energy seals small blood vessels that reduce bleeding radically which enables a number of new surgical practices which is not a matter-of-fact with a conventional scalpel.Less postoperative pain is there because of the sealing of nerve ends. The patient does not experience any bothersome pain in laser surgery and feels quite relaxed during post-operative recovery.
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