Women who face inconsistent menstruation, difficulty in eating, along with urinary issues are perhaps at risk of being in the latter stages of ovarian cancer- this is when the cancer has spread to the pelvis and abdomen. 

The early stages of ovarian cancers cause no symptoms, this is when the cancer is still limited to the ovaries and is also easiest to treat.

Any woman with ovaries faces some risk of developing ovarian cancer, but there are consequential factors that also increase  risk. Factors such as having a family history of ovarian cancer, those who carry the genetic mutations BRCA1 or BRCA2, or being older than 63 are  are not under an individual’s control but there are some that you can control in order to decrease the risk of ovarian cancer. They are- 

1. Exercising and a healthy diet

By adhering to a weekly exercise regime and following a healthy diet, the risk of ovarian cancer does decrease. Just working out 30 minutes a day can decrease risk by up to 20%. On top of an active lifestyle, introducing certain foods into daily diet can also reduce risk. Foods like beans, nuts, eggs, and foods rich in Vitamin D are highly recommended as well as foods that contain Vitamin A- carrots, sweet potatoes and all leafy greens vegetables. 

2. Avoid Carcinogens

Carcinogens are basically substances that can potentially cause cancer. Some of these will

cause cancer only if an individual is predisposed to the risk of developing cancer, for instance having a family history or carrying a genetic mutation. However, there are some that can cause cancer regardless, like talcum powder, found in everyday products such as baby powder, makeup and deodorants. Many women who used some of these products regularly near the genital area have developed ovarian cancer. This has lead to huge lawsuits against major corporations that manufacture and sell these products.

3. Oral Contraceptives 

Women who regularly take oral contraceptives have up to a 50% lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. The longer contraceptive is taken, the lower the risk of developing ovarian cancer. Oral contraceptives can’t be taken by everyone and consulting a physician is necessary to see if it will work for you.

4.Choose a Healthy Lifestyle

Avoiding the use of tobacco, being exposed to secondhand smoke, not only lowers the risk for ovarian cancer, but other types of cancer too. Keep your alcohol consumption to three drinks a week. Staying away from tobacco and limiting alcohol consumption, as well as exercising daily and maintaining a healthy diet can decrease the risk of ovarian cancer.

5. Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Women who have had at least one child, particularly before the age of 30, are at lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. This risk also lowers with each child a woman gives birth to. Also, women who breastfeed their children are also at a much lower risk of developing ovarian cancer.